Autism spectrum, its type and its relationship with the motivation
of learning verbal communication skill among children in special education centers from the point of view of speech therapists
Suhair Husni Sammour
Mohamad Omran Salha
Faculty of Education || Arab American University || PalestineTab title The study aimed to identify the relationship of the autism spectrum disorder and its type or degree with the motivation to learn verbal communication for children on the autism spectrum in special education centers from the point of view of speech therapists, As the motivation to learn verbal communication is a new feature in the field of communication. The study was applied to two speech therapists and 4 children previously diagnosed with autism at Russell center for Autistic Children in Ramallah, Palestine. The qualitative approach was used to identify the children’s motivation for verbal communication by developing indicators that measure their motivation to respond in speech therapy sessions, by interviewing specialists. besides that, the participatory observation of the children during the sessions, at the rate of 4 sessions for each child. With the use of the Indian assessment scale to find out the type and degree of autism by interviewing parents. The results of the study showed that there is no relationship between the type or degree of autism and the motivation of verbal communication, but rather that different characteristics of children, their tendencies, desires, and the organized environment, it was related to the motivation of verbal communication. The results also showed a lack of learning motivation for the verbal communication skill of the first child and the second girl by 86.7%, the third by 40%, and the fourth by 26.7%. The study recommended that the motivation to learn verbal communication be added as a feature that falls under the field of verbal communication for children on the autism spectrum. And to distinguish between learning motivation for verbal communication and verbal communication when planning the speech therapy sessions. Keywords: autism spectrum – verbal communication skills – child – special education centers – pronunciation.
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The study aimed to identify the relationship of the autism spectrum disorder and its type or degree with the motivation to learn verbal communication for children on the autism spectrum in special education centers from the point of view of speech therapists, As the motivation to learn verbal communication is a new feature in the field of communication. The study was applied to two speech therapists and 4 children previously diagnosed with autism at Russell center for Autistic Children in Ramallah, Palestine. The qualitative approach was used to identify the children’s motivation for verbal communication by developing indicators that measure their motivation to respond in speech therapy sessions, by interviewing specialists. besides that, the participatory observation of the children during the sessions, at the rate of 4 sessions for each child. With the use of the Indian assessment scale to find out the type and degree of autism by interviewing parents. The results of the study showed that there is no relationship between the type or degree of autism and the motivation of verbal communication, but rather that different characteristics of children, their tendencies, desires, and the organized environment, it was related to the motivation of verbal communication. The results also showed a lack of learning motivation for the verbal communication skill of the first child and the second girl by 86.7%, the third by 40%, and the fourth by 26.7%. The study recommended that the motivation to learn verbal communication be added as a feature that falls under the field of verbal communication for children on the autism spectrum. And to distinguish between learning motivation for verbal communication and verbal communication when planning the speech therapy sessions. Keywords: autism spectrum – verbal communication skills – child – special education centers – pronunciation.
طيف التوحد ونوعه وعلاقته بدافعية تعلم مهارة التواصل اللفظي لدى الأطفال
في مراكز التربية الخاصة من وجهة نظر أخصائيات النطق
سهير حسني سمور
محمد عمران صالحة
كلية التربية || الجامعة العربية الأمريكية || فلسطين
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هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على علاقة طيف التوحد ونوعه، مع دافعية التعلم للتواصل اللفظي لأطفال طيف التوحد في مراكز التربية الخاصة من وجهة نظر أخصائيات النطق، باعتبار دافعية تعلم التواصل اللفظي خاصية جديدة في مجال التواصل. وقد تم تطبيق الدراسة على أخصائيتي نطق و4 أطفال تم تشخيصهم مسبقاً بطيف التوحد في جمعية راسيل للتوحد في مدينة رام الله في فلسطين. وقد تم استخدام المنهج الكيفي للتعرف على دافعية الأطفال للتواصل اللفظي، من خلال وضع مؤشرات تقيس دافعيتهم للاستجابة في جلسات النطق وذلك من خلال مقابلة الأخصائيات. أضف إلى ذلك الملاحظة التشاركية للأطفال خلال الجلسات بواقع 4 جلسات لكل طفل. مع استخدام مقياس التقييم الهندي لمعرفة نوع التوحد ودرجته من خلال مقابلة أولياء الأمور. وقد أظهرت نتائج الدراسة أنه لا توجد علاقة بين نوع أو درجة التوحد ودافعية التواصل اللفظي، وإنما خصائص الأطفال المتباينة، ميولهم، ورغباتهم، تنظيم البيئة، كان له علاقة بدافعية التواصل اللفظي. وأظهرت النتائج أيضاً قصور في دافعية تعلم مهارة التواصل اللفظي للطفل الأول والطفلة الثانية بنسبة 86.7%، الثالث بنسبة 40%، والرابع بنسبة 26.7%. وأوصت الدراسة، أن يتم إضافة الدافعية لتعلم التواصل اللفظي كخاصية تندرج تحت مجال التواصل اللفظي لأطفال طيف التوحد. وأن يتم التمييز بين دافعية تعلم التواصل اللفظي والتواصل اللفظي عند التخطيط للبرنامج التدريبي العلاجي في الجلسات. الكلمات المفتاحية: طيف التوحد – مهارات التواصل اللفظي – الطفل – مراكز التربية الخاصة – النطق.