Administrative empowerment and its relationship to organizational commitment among female leaders in the Ministry of Education
Nourah Khaled Muhammad bin Anzan
College of Education || Imam Mohammad bin Saud Islamic University || KSA
Abstract: The study aimed to identify the level of administrative empowerment in its dimensions (delegating authority, teamwork, motivation, effective communication, and training), and the level of organizational commitment with its dimensions (emotional, normative, and continuity) among female leaders, revealing the relationship between them, and providing suggestions that its application can contribute to developing the level of administrative empowerment in order to strengthen the organizational commitment of female leaders in the Ministry of Education.The researcher used the descriptive survey method, and the questionnaire as a tool for collecting data which included (30) items distributed over three axes. The study was applied to a sample of (n= 178) leaders from a community of (n= 229) educational leaders working in the Ministry of Education. The study reached several results, most notably the following:
The administrative empowerment level with its dimensions (delegation of authority, teamwork, motivation, effective communication, and training) of female leaders in the Ministry of Education came at a medium application level, and an average (3.27). The dimension of (teamwork) got a high level of application, while the rest of the dimensions (training, effective communication, delegation of authority, motivation) got a medium application level.
The organizational commitment level with its dimensions (emotional commitment, normative commitment, and continuity commitment) of female leaders in the Ministry of Education came at a high level of application, and an average (3.76). The dimension of (normative commitment) got a very high level of application, while the dimension of (emotional commitment) got a high level of application, and the dimension (continuity commitment) got a medium level of application.
There is a strong direct relationship with statistical significance at the significance level (0.00) between administrative empowerment and organizational commitment organizational commitment among female leaders in the Ministry of Education.The study samples’ agreement came to a medium degree on the suggestions that could contribute to developing the level of administrative empowerment in order to strengthen the organizational commitment of female leaders in the Ministry of Education, and an average of (3.35). The study recommended that it is necessary that the ministry of education continues its interest in empowering women leaders in their various positions, and working to raise the level of their organizational commitment.
Keywords: administrative empowerment, organizational commitment, female leaders, Ministry of Education.
التمكين الإدارِي وعلاقته بالالتزام التنظِيمِي لدى القِيَادَات النِّسَائِيَّة بوزارة التعلِيم
مِن وجهَة نَظَرهن
نورة خالد محمد بن عنزان
كلية التربية || جامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود الإسلامية || المملكة العربية السعودية
أن مستوى التَّمْكَين الإِدَارِيّ بأبعاده جاء بمستوى تطبيق (متوسط)، ومتوسط (3،27 من5). وعلى مستوى الأبعاد حصل بُعد (العمل الجماعي) على أعلى متوسط (3،48) بتطبيق (مرتفع)، ثم بعد التدريب (3،39) وثالثاً الاتصال الفعَّال (3،26) ورابعاً تفويض السلطة (3،12) وأخيراً التحفيز (3،11) وجميعها بمستوى تطبيق (متوسط)، فيما جاء الاِلْتِزَام التَّنْظِيمِيّ بمتوسط كلي (3،76). وتطبيق (مرتفع)، أما الأبعاد؛ فجاء بُعد (الاِلْتِزَام المعياري) بمتوسط (4،43 من5) أي بتطبيق (مرتفع جدًّا) ثم الاِلْتِزَام العاطفي (3،68) بمستوى (مرتفع) وأخيراً الاِلْتِزَام الاستمراري (3،17) ومستوى تطبيق (متوسط). كما بينت النتائج وجود علاقة طردية بلغت (0.62) وتعكس علاقة (متوسطة) ذات دلالة إحصائية عند (0.00)، بين التَّمْكَين الإِدَارِيّ والالتزام التَّنْظِيمِيّ لدى القِيَادَات النِّسَائِيَّة بوزارة التَّعْلِيم، وجاءت موافقة أفراد الدراسة بدرجة متوسطة على ـمُقْتَرَحَات تطوير مستوى التَّمْكَين الإِدَارِيّ؛ لتقوية الاِلْتِزَام التَّنْظِيمِيّ لدى القِيَادَات النِّسَائِيَّة بوزارة التَّعْلِيم، بمتوسط (3،35)، واستناداً للنتائج أوصت الباحثة بضرورة مواصلة اهتمام وزارة التَّعْلِيم بتمكين القِيَادَات النِّسَائِيَّة فيها بمختلف مراكزهن الوظيفية، والعمل على رفع مستوى الاِلْتِزَام التَّنْظِيمِيّ لديهن.
الكلمات المفتاحية: العلاقة، التمكين الإداري، الالتزام التنظيمي، وجهات نظر القيادات النسائية، وزارة التعليم.