The Effects of Integrating YouTube and Its Facilitating Role in Teaching Grammar on High School Students in Bishah Saudi Arabia

The Effects of Integrating YouTube and Its Facilitating Role in Teaching Grammar on High School Students in Bishah, Saudi Arabia

Hanan Turki Alshahrani

College of language and translation || KKU || Abha  || KSA

Abstract: This study investigates the advantages of employing one of the social media programs in teaching grammar specifically for female high school students in one of the schools in Bisha, Saudi Arabia. The essential goal is to reveal the positive effects of integrating YouTube grammar videos to the students evaluate their long and short term performance. It focuses on the successful outcomes in the students’ grades while replacing the ordinary methods of conveying the new rules with video lessons controlled. By examining the point of view of a large number of educators concerning the subject and the students’ scores after a series of lessons which include some tests At the end of the study, it highlights successful results as well as positive reactions towards the method.

Keywords: Social Media, YouTube, Education, Grammar, Teaching, Videos.


The huge spread of communication technology is increasing  everyday in our lives. The importance of technology emerges for the purpose of facilitating  everybody’s needs. Many people use these tools to accomplish specific objectives. Social media is a computer-mediated technology, which means according to Edosomwan et al. (2011)” a phenomenon that has transformed the interaction and communication of individuals throughout the world”(p.79). This type of technology involves a variety of social network sites such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Skype, etc. YouTube is considered one of the most effective and influential means of technology that can be utilized for different reasons, personally as well as internationally.

In this research, the writer intends to present the frameworks of using YouTube at individual or academic level. It services every member of society; adults, children, students, teachers, professors, scientists or any seeker of information. The beginning of YouTube as an independent website was in 2005 and bought by Google to be one of its subsidiaries in 2006. Millions of people watch YouTube for different goals, for example, entertainment (such as movies, music) or for learning ( such as listening or studying the Holy Quran, different languages, cooking, documentary films, teaching, scientific and technological information) and many other reasons. YouTube is a means of sharing videos by people from all around the world whether by uploading or downloading contents that enables others to watch it once they connect to the Internet.

This paper exposes one of the aspects of using YouTube in the field of education aiming to introduce a new method of learning. Also, it examines the extent in which this technique may increase the understanding of every grammar section found in all high school books and prove the effectiveness of integrating or employing this tool as a permanent way, not only for facilitating the access to information but also to establish it as an official mechanism in teaching English as a second language TESL. There are many strategies in teaching English grammar  that include various features which vary from place to another .One of the major features involves the students’ attention while practicing the new rules with each other. Also, they must be aware of the value of their learning when and where to use every rule. These rules must stimulate their real life communication inside and outside the classroom environment. All of these strategies can be used only at the time of daily classes, which depend on the teachers themselves explaining the materials until the end of the lesson. One of the advantages of studying English in schools during the process of learning is that it is easy and do not take a large amount of time to study.

Furthermore, its exams apply to all high school students and consist of four sections writing, reading comprehension, grammar and vocabulary. Many students rely on the teacher’s interpretation alone to gain a good understanding of the rules either by paying attention while explaining which is obviously difficult to manage, or writing the teacher’s their explanations otherwise it will be rapidly lost. In addition, the more grammar lessons they take the more complicated and laborious they are to remember. Eventually, at the end of the term, most of the teachers are always being asked to reiterate every rule previously taught, which leads to the exhaustion of the teacher. Besides, there is the problem of the frequent absence of students who require a repetition of the rules. However, the major issue is that all teachers have a limited time and a specific syllabus distribution to follow. Even it contains a few lessons for revision at the end of each unit, it does not meet their needs, especially before examinations.

The statement of Purpose

 The statement of purpose of the research is to demonstrate  the use of open education resources such as YouTube to solve the problem of the frequent  repetition requirements done byhigh school students and teachers efforts in teaching grammar for the whole term via integrating YouTube in teaching and evaluating their performance after using the associated online environment applied on a group of high school students. The reason behind choosing grammar is according to Zhang (2009),”Grammatical competence is one of communicative competence. Communicative competence involves knowing how to use the grammar and vocabulary of the language to achieve communicative goals, and knowing how to do this in a socially appropriate way”(p.184).

Justification of the Study

The research presents an ideal device not only for the students and teachers but also for any learner who seeks to develop his/her skills in grammar. It highlights the distinguished uses of YouTube platforms in the field of education. It displays the advantages of employing this method as a reliable source for both students and teachers. Every rule is explained by qualified native speakers teachers or experts who have the ability and the skill of conveying the goals of the grammatical topics smoothly and easily. Interestingly, it is available at any time of the day once they get access to the Internet just by inserting the title of the wanted topic. After that, they can experience  numerous choices because there are many people who explain the same rule. A researcher has to select the most suitable or the simplest one to measure the extent of how using the YouTube application benefits the learners of English as a second language. Moreover, it facilitates understanding the main idea of the topic in few minutes before using any other strategies of applying the rules through various activities. Most of the teachers are concerned with utilizing multiple activities, which conserve the information and ignore the initial state of how to find a modern route to speed up the process of acquiring knowledge.

Research Questions

The present paper answers several questions of why students need the repetition of rules explanation and why this particular grade?. What are its potential effects on the students’ performance? It explains the reason behind choosing the YouTube channel. What are the possible outcomes after integrating this method in teaching and when? How to evaluate the students’ progress. Lastly, what are the barriers and limitations of employing this tool in education?. This research emphasizes the effectiveness of integrating YouTube Web Pages in teaching grammar in the classrooms among high schools students.

Literature Review

The use of technology has become commonplace in educational settings. YouTube is considered one of the most famous tools in social media. It is used by all types of society members all over the world. Billions of people view these videos every day for different reasons. The first appearance of YouTube was in 2005 when it basically aimed to fix the problems of online videos. Any user can upload, publish or view an infinite number of videos ( Green, J.,& Burgess, J. 2013,P.1). A study made at Drhan University which strives to integrate online videos into the classrooms and highlights some issues mentioned by the students like misleading, inaccurate, feminism and negligible of content but it has increased the critical thinking of the students. Eventually, it shows that the use of online videos encourages the effective learning and values the extra explanations as well as the variety of discussions involved with. Although it stresses  the traditional role of teachers instead of using the modern devices, it is seen as an interactive and useful tool because of the perfect selection of materials(Tan, E& Pearce, N. 2012).

Duffy (2008) confirms the importance of using web 2.0 in education in which every students aware of the elaboration of most interactive technological tools and gains the most favorable information. The widespread of CALL, Computer Assisted Language Learning, applications have enhanced the process of learning and act as supportive devices. The alternation in our students’ perspectives while collaborating in the digital world is making them able to create or work on making useful materials. There are many websites associated with Web2.0, which provide the facilities of writing, sharing, creating, interacting, editing, removing, recording, and many other features that transfer any kind of information. Weblog helps the users to put specifically dated materials ordered and published through the Internet. It is an easy creation of online journal. It presents the person’s writing, inserting links or can be used and managed by anyone.

 YouTube is a multimedia channels that permits the control over a different type of videos which are available to everyone. Other components are flags, titles, tags, channels, associated videos, subscribing, comments, views, and rating. There are many advantages of using YouTube in education that encourage motivation and share a pedagogic content for learning English as a second language. This resource should be segmented since it allows users to pause, take notes, and turn the sound and picture off, Also, a learner can preview, cut, integrate, focus on bringing specific information and lastly gives answers to posted questions. It helps to develop the students’ insight and perspectives. Finally, Wiki which is elastic Web Pages that authorize all browsers to exchange the content and expand the learners’ knowledge by gaining, manipulating, and expressing all kinds of data.

Mullen, R., &Wedwick, L. (2008) discussed the teacher’s use of YouTube, Digital stories, and Blogs in the classroom. Our students full knowledge of the digital world makes teachers must adapt themselves on how to integrate into this new modern world as well. Teachers are responsible for preparing their students how to use this technology. YouTube provides a wide variety of educational videos with careful monitoring to all materials by teachers. It is quick to access and facilitates learning some grammar reviews through some types of songs, which not only help the students to memorize but also stimulate them to create a new one. Digital stories are tools used by students to make innovative stories that enhance their writings, critical thinking, and media literacy. They can also use any computer tools to support their stories.  Additionally, teacher may let the students watch a number of stories, then, they are required to answer specific questions about the same topic. The blog is a website journal which enables a mutual change of content by its users through comments or reflections. It produces an authentic environment towards a progress in the writing skill and offers an opportunity to stimulate independent writing.

There is also the empirical study made by  Bretch, (2012) who examines the effectiveness of online video lectures in his experiment on a group of voluntary students at the university. Through using different styles of videos prepared by the instructor, the findings of the study reveal significant outcomes that differentiate between learning with or without videos. It concentrates on making the content always available, which is reflected favorably on their grades, their dropout and the increase of their impulsiveness. The results determine that a well- defined controlled content that is available at any time, as well as the presence of the tutorial devices, have a positive impact on the students’ performance. All of the previous resources have YouTube websites in common, which manifests its prominence in teaching pedagogy. It confirms its magnificent employment that sustains the students’ ability to absorb knowledge as well as comfort the teachers from outdated methods, which were based on illustrating all the time without conducting the student in actual interaction. The advantage of YouTube in the medium of education not only expands the students’ proficiencies but also improves their language skills, their motivation towards learning and interaction with them multifarious database.

Theoretical background

Connectivism theory

This study is based on two theories; the Connectivism theory which explains how utilizing the Internet technology can provide many opportunities of the learning environment in which YouTube is one of the technological tools through which learning can be accomplished (Siemens&Downes,2015).It focuses on how learning tools are open and available to anyone. This theory emphasizes that spontaneous learning can achieve the overall goals of acquiring knowledge.

Self- directed learning (SDL)theory.

 The second theory can be accomplished in the next part of the research especially at the post-test presented in giving them the chance to revise the rule at home through watching the same video before taking the quiz in the next lesson.  Self- directed learning (SDL)theory by Knowles (1975)focuses on giving the students the ownership of their learning with the guidance of the teacher. The instructor might give their students the opportunity to search for a specific rule on YouTube to understand and study. This theory helps the students for short and long term learning. It affirms that each student can direct themselves on how to be self-dependents and able to look for information needed.

Research methodology

Research design

The research is designed by using two kinds of instrument; a survey questionnaire which specifically made for the teachers of English, and a case study which include several groups of high school students from all levels.

Collection of Data

The study is a quantitative research that in which the first instrument is in the form of an online questionnaire that is distributed to both English teachers, male and female through WhatsApp[1]. It aims to provide their opinions and familiarity about the effects of using this tool as a fruitful strategy and their experience in teaching in general and teaching grammar in particular with the help of digital tutorial channels. It brings not only general objectives feedback but also the more general breadth of information.

It is also a qualitative research was taken in the study that depends on a test-based in order to examine ahypothesis concerning the effects of using YouTube device while explaining grammar.  Its focus can be accomplished by a case of study on a number of high school students in Bishah city, in south- western region of Saudi Arabia, that takes place in a specific school, the fifth high school. Thus, two classes were chosen from each of the three levels and each level has their different rules which were chosen precisely from their textbook

 The two groups were divided thus: one group with  YouTube and the other without in which the researcher acts as a teacher who explains the rules with the ordinary method using the board and book only.  The research  investigates the range of their understanding of a group of rules interpreted on YouTube. First, instead of using the regular explanation of the grammatical rules in their books Mega Goal (Santo, 2011),explanatory videos are going to be displayed to them about the target topics by some native teachers. Then, they will be required to answer a few multiple-choice questions to measure their understanding of the content through two types of post tests (immediate and delayed quizzes).The immediate quiz is instantly after watching the video while the delayed quiz is in the next lesson and the same strategy goes with the ordinary teaching style. After that, the success of this technique depends on the results of their individual scores. Several lessons are selected from the syllabus and the researcher plays videos of specific persons explaining the same rule on YouTube.(see appendix C).

 The findings prove the validity and variability of integrating this technique in teaching English in general and grammar in particular since it streamlines the complexity of some grammatical rule and its impact as a pedagogical resource, not only for the students but also for the teachers.

 The results explore how widely is the use of this tool in teaching and if it is going to be received positively or negatively. Ultimately, the research reveals the challenges and limitations of this technique in grammar lessons. The maximum time for each method is approximately one month, because of the normal range that demands taking one grammatical lesson every week. The more outcomes we gathered gathering  the applications of the hypotheses, the more emphasis we get about the effectiveness of YouTube as a tool in the process of learning.

Analysis of Data ;

(a)The questionnaire.

The first instrument of the collection of data starts with an electronic questionnaire made by Survey Monkey program. This questionnaire has taken the agreements and advice from some doctors at King Khalid University like Alrefai, AlAmeer and the supervisor of this research  AlKahtani whose tips and corrections have made a significant progression. The reason behind choosing this instrument in the research is because it is less complicated and more flexible, convenient to distribute, modify as well as the previous experiences that have been done by many teachers and researchers. The other reason according to(Lefever et al. ,2007),is because ” Collecting research data through traditional paper-and-pencil methods can be costly at time-consuming”(p.575). This technique highlights the scope of the research by focusing on the main area of investigating and asserting the existence of the problem among English teachers both, male and female. The elements in the questionnaire are closed ending of multiple choices. The range of the respondents mostly share the same issues in the field of grammar explanations and illustrate the main outlines of the study. (see Appendix B for chart analysis)

Are you male or female?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
A male 40.0% 100
A female 60.0% 150
answered question 250
skipped question 0

The researcher started the questionnaire with the gender numbers so that the findings will be more authentic between both teachers men and women and represent aqualified variety to the aim of the research. The methods used to encourage women to cooperate and answer the questionnaire was through joining their huge gathering in Telegram App, which is another messaging program alternative to What’s App (Frey, 2015, P.7). This program has helped the researcher to get female responses more than the males whose feedback through their phone number is difficult to get as a result of the conventional society.

Which level do you teach?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Primary school students 20.8% 52
Intermediate school students 34.8% 87
High school students 44.4% 111
answered question 250
skipped question 0

Fortunately, obtaining a various number of teachers of all grades increase the validity of the study to sustain the goals and ensure the common views in a way that lead them to share the issues or challenges they face in the educational process. Moreover having the largest range of teachers; point of views enables the research to bring accurate results.

Do you always need to repeat the explanation and interpretation of the grammatical lessons to your students especially at the end of term before exams?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Yes 68.8% 172
No 6.8% 17
Sometimes 24.4% 61
answered question 250
skipped question 0

The question above emphasizes one of the main purposes of the study. which asserts the effort made by most of the teachers about how they keep repeating the explanation of the lessons in order to maintain the students’ understanding of getting better results in the exams. About 68.8% agree, while the low responses of 24.4%, with (sometimes)show that either they are highly qualified or not interested in their students’ comprehending the rules. All teachers take the effort of repeating the rules for the purpose of refreshing and maintaining knowledge for long and short term memory which are needed in their daily practice.

Do you think having another source of knowledge will be helpful for better understanding of the rules?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Yes 78.4% 196
No 5.2% 13
Sometimes 16.4% 41
answered question 250
skipped question 0

The respondents with( 78.4% )indicate the huge need by most of the teachers to have another source especially in grammar, which will make a change in understanding the rules for the benefit of the students.

Do your students usually ask to repeat the explanation of any grammatical rule?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Always 26.9% 67
Sometimes 51.0% 127
Rarely 22.1% 55
answered question 249
skipped question 1

Since the respondents vary in this question, getting almost 51% of the respondents (about 127) to the choose sometimes, it is clear that it depends on one student to another and not the whole class who do not call for repetition. According to the students’ perspective, it is obvious that they usually do not ask questions unless they are being asked about some previous knowledge by their teachers and then they start to call for more clarification or ask for the repetition. On the other hand, getting (55) responses (22.%) of Rarely comes up with the realization of the student’s dependence on their teachers’ re-explanation of the rules or getting extra help from private teachers before exams. Also, it could be related to the students’ shyness. Eventually, examining the choice of ”always” represent themergence of the need of iteration.

Do you like using technology in teaching grammar?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Yes 58.4% 146
No 13.6% 34
Sometimes 28.0% 70
answered question 250
skipped question 0

The use of technology in teaching grammar may reveal a kind of gap of what could be another way of teaching grammar besides the board, which is considered to be the most widely used tool among all teachers. Another important point shows that( 146) of the responses (58.4%) do use technology such as PowerPoint and the interactive white board. In terms of implementing visual aids for pedagogical purposes and especially in second language learning has been addressed by Salaberry (2001), “films in general and videos programs, in particular, represent an inexpensive, as well as a versatile, pedagogical tool”(p. 41).

Have you ever used YouTube in teaching grammar?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Yes 27.6% 69
No 52.0% 130
Sometimes 20.4% 51
answered question 250
skipped question 0

The largest amount of responses(130) go with (No) about their experience of using YouTube as one of the technological tool in the process of teaching grammar while the other two options are close regarding the percentage (yes 27.6% and sometimes 20.4%) offer some attempts of teachers who already utilize this supporting device in very few lessons which is not necessarily  in grammar. Truly, YouTube can be used in any other lesson and not restricted only to grammar. YouTube as one of the major types of social media which investigated by Moran et al., (2011)  to emphasize its advantages for,  ” higher education’s ability to take advantage of social media for promoting professional development, broadening institutional reach and increasing student success is nothing short of revolutionary”(p.4).

Are you familiar with teaching channels that exist on YouTube?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Yes 58.0% 145
No 42.0% 105
answered question 250
skipped question 0

As previously mentioned, YouTube is an open tool for anyone all over the world. Nowadays, it is rare that one does not have any knowledge of its advantages. The major goal beyond this question is to expose the instructor’s familiarity with this tool for two reasons: to facilitate employing the essential goal of this device in grammar teaching and to define other neoteric prospects of the center of the educational process; teacher and student.

Do you think utilizing this method as a source of learning will enhance and facilitate the students’ learning?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Yes 54.8% 137
No 5.6% 14
I don’t know 39.6% 99
answered question 250
skipped question 0

This question examines the extent to which teachers confirm the effectiveness of YouTube on the students’ performance. While the part of the responses of ignorance brings a means to prove the validity of the research, the experiment demonstrates its successfulness. The main source behind their unawareness relies in their absence of usage. The study confirms that according to Bonk study (2011) who examined “The use of online video and other online resources and materials can supplement a traditional course or perhaps push it into a blended learning format.” (p.20)

Do you believe using grammar teaching channels as a source of learning will help…..?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Teachers 9.2% 23
Students 4.4% 11
Teachers and students 82.3% 205
None of them 4.0% 10
answered question 249
skipped question 1

Doubtlessly, living in a global world with modern technology makes dealing with it indispensable. It’s fast accessibility imposes no limitations to its beneficiaries in a way that makes both teachers and students able to use, download and gain valuable resources of the rules at any time.

As a teacher of English, have you ever got the benefit from YouTube to understand any specific rule?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Yes 60.6% 151
No 5.6% 14
Sometimes 26.1% 65
Rarely 7.6% 19
answered question 249
skipped question 1

The classification of the question above displays the number of teachers who the benefit from this path in understanding the rules through YouTube channels. It shows that 60.6% of teachers have the chance of playing the channels for themselves, which is considered to be an outstanding clue of setting a valid substantiation to the teaching approach.

The language and teaching strategies used by natives to teach grammar on YouTube are comprehensible to…
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
Primary school students 16.5% 41
Intermediate school students 21.7% 54
high school students 61.8% 154
answered question 249
skipped question 1

Concerning this idea, people and especially teachers are the ones who can determine their students’ ability to understand the native language, even though the following study can also provide a correct definitive guide of their cognitive possibility of perception. We can relate this gradual development to the idea mentioned by Virginia P & Collier(1995)”children being formally schooled during these years add reading and writing to the language skills of listening and speaking, across all the domains of language, with each age and grade level increasing the cognitive level of language use within each academic subject”(p.6).

From your experience as a teacher, which of the following is widely used in teaching grammar nowadays?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
PowerPoint 21.0% 52
YouTube 12.1% 30
The board 64.9% 161
I don’t know 2.0% 5
answered question 248
skipped question 2

In the teaching process, it is common among teachers to alter their teaching aids to avoid the students’ boredom in the class, as well as to attract their attention. The results show the levels of the current tools used by many teachers. The first is the board of about 64.9%, which is considered the most widespread particularly, because of the large amount of information that needs to be explained or giving extra examples or exercises. Moreover, the time taken from the teacher to write should be considered carefully. The second tool is PowerPoint which is utilized of about 21% of the respondents. It is used when it is prepared by someone or by the teachers themselves. It is worth mentioning that it is probably similar to the way teachers on YouTube explain on the board, but  the difference is that all of them prepare the information  needed and the teacher could look for the required rules and save them in a private library or download and organize them in a file in the computer to save time and effort.

Generally, the questionnaire has answered some of the research questions and proven the existence of the issue among most of  the English teachers. Teachers do use the repetition style in grammar lessons and YouTube channels are comprehensible with a high degree of high school levels and to some extent of intermediate grades.

(b)The case Study.

The second method in the study is based on the study made by Brecht( 2012) to compare online video lectures on the student’s performance at the university to the one without videos. The differentiation between the two studies is that Brecht used avoluntary small sample at the university level, while this study is applied to high schools students. Also, his study consisted of tests using different contexts and the students’ improved grades had shown an amazing enhancement on their performance. The learned data was available and easy to access.

In this study, the research has chosen a particular high school in the city of Bishah since it was the previous school of the researcher. The study started after having the permission of the principle to select two classes from each level to be divided as the experimental group and controlled group. The schedule below states their performance:

Table 1: The number of students With YouTube.

Level3 Level2 Level1  
IM DE IM DE IM DE scores
14 8 13 12 11 10 10
3 11 4 5 5 10 9
1 1 3 3 3 8
1 1 7
1 6
9.4 9.35 9.5 9.45 9.3 9.5 average

Table 2: The number of students Without YouTube.

Level3 Level2 Level1  
IM DE IM DE IM DE scores
5 1 7 1 8 1 10
7 2 7 5 7 7 9
6 4 4 4 4 5 8
2 5 4 4 7
7 1 2 1 2 6
1 1 3 1 5
1 4
8.75 7.1 8.8 7.3 9.05 7.9 average


IM:  Immediate test

DE: Delayed test

 Figures1 and 2 refer to the number of students with their marks in both tests Immediate and Delayed test as well as the average at the end of the schedule. The numbers showed the magnificent impact of integrating YouTube as an alternative device. The controlled group in Figure(2) presents a slight change by comparison to the other group with YouTube in the immediate tests. This is because of the short memory of the students. For the experimental group in Figure (1), it was a surprise when they were told that this test would examine their intelligence on comprehending the rules only from watching the videos. On the contrary, the group without YouTube were only taking the lesson as any other lesson except the change of teacher, so the feeling of ordinariness might be the reason for this slight difference. The delayed tests of the controlled and the experimental groups showed noticeable results. Besides that, the group sample in this study indicates theaverage of the student’s scores of basically two types of post tests to show that using YouTube channels in teaching grammar is a successful technique. Their grades are considered the measurement unit of the main target of the study. Each quiz (immediate and delayed) consists of five multiple choices, which is the maximum number of questions. There are some circumstances that have affected the whole process of the study; for instance  time pressure has played a crucial role in the experiment. Moreover, taking many lessons from the students’ major teachers would affect their time, work and the number of lessons and also the frequent absence of students have restricted the number of participants to twenty students who were approximately present in every lesson. As a result of that, the range of lessons was two for each level and each lesson has taken three selected rules to be explained. The total number of rules is about six to match the time of the researcher when arrivingat the particular school and to follow up the number of the unfinishedlessons in which the students should not be acknowledgedyet so that the results will not be affected. In the immediate post-test, the researcher explains the rules one with YouTube and the other without YouTube and then five to ten minutes are given to answer a small paper quiz. The instructor tells participants to revise the new rules at home, in order to be prepared for the next session. After that, while the next delayed test paper is distributed to them, they are required to achieve it quickly. The control groups are given some time before the next lesson and are being asked to study these items at home. On the other hand, the other groups, the experimental one, aredemanded to watch the same videos at home by giving them the directions on how to search before the next quiz. Eventually, The researcher collects all the tests and the comparison of allsamples illustrates the critical points of the study. The researcher used Microsoft Office Excel to analyze the students’ scores and present the average of their performance in both styles. The outcomes of data not only measure the students’ ability to recognize the ideas of the new rules but also, their comprehensive variations between the two methods; the teacher’s style and the instructor’s language and style due to the native accent used.


Figure 1:The average scores of students with and without using YouTube via two kinds of post tests (Delayed and Immediate).

Table 3:The percentage of the students’ average scores

DE/without DE/with IM/without IM/with  
79% 95% 90.5% 93% Level1
73% 93.5% 88% 95% Level 2
71% 94.5% 87.5% 94% Level 3

IM/with: Immediate test with YouTube/without YouTube

DE/with: Delayed test with YouTube/without YouTube

Figure(3) displays the average scores of the students’ comprehensive performance to understand both styles. Figure(4) states the differences between the two groups of each level. The findings clarify that the students’ ability to comprehend the demonstration of  English native tutors and giving high signs which make using this tool obtainable and increase avoiding the frequent repetitions always done by teachers and asked by some students. Fortunately, this technique assures the students’ capability to acquire the new information in the delayed quizzes as easily as the immediate ones. The immediate quizzes in both groups( with and without YouTube) bring some kind of closeness. The slight distinctions might be related to the short-term memories which make the answering process approximately equivalent. Most importantly the, delayed quizzes confirm the utility of using YouTube channels. The high scores average asserts its validity and effectiveness even with the existence of individual differences among students. (see Appendix A for more details)

Advantages and limitations

The study involves some advantages that must be high highlighted. Firstly, the comparison between this study and the one done by Brecht (2012) points out the practicability and applicability of videos that match the inseparable generations with social media. Secondly, they become open minded with the radical change of this advanced era. Living in the world of technology takes to future perspectives when time pressure is associated with the teaching process. Thirdly, the outcomes of all levels uncover that there is no salient distinction between the three levels in relation to their ability, in which absorbing the contents of videos does not act as a barrier. Fourthly, YouTube videos are free and available at any time. Teachers can download them on their smartphones and display them at any time of lesson even, an unprepared one. It is similar to the advantages mentioned by Duffy ( 2008), which ensure the facility of controlled elements such as pausing, saving, changing the volume and note taking. For the aim of increasing the student’s motivation by Shabiralyani et al. (2015) said  ” the implementation of visual aids in teaching is less time-consuming. As a result, the teachers will have more ample time to create enjoyable classroom activities and conduct an effective teaching and learning process” (p. 233).

For the limitation of the study, it has been applied in Bisha and in one particular school which open the gate for further uses. Teachers might be limited by numbers of videos and he/she need to choose the suitable one. All the channels must be acknowledged by the teachers first as Mullen, R., &Wedwick, L. (2008)  had done in their study and can send a direct link to their students in order not to get confused with the number of videos. According to these researchers, the whole process must be under the supervision of the teachers. However, utilizing this technique does not reduce the main role of teachers, who are pleased to teach their students or emphasize any interesting point. The researcher recommends the ministry of education to take a practical vital role concerning combining this method in the process of teaching grammar.


The world of this advanced generation has been examined, investigating its worthiness in the field of education. In relation to connectivism theory ,internet technology such as YouTube has proven its vitality in the field of education. Language learning especially grammar, it stillsyet  in the stage of progress. Teachers’ efforts of repetitions have been focused in this study for the extraction of a desirable benefits not only for students but also educators. Combining YouTube in teaching has decreased the number of dropout students by giving them a chance of controlling their learning in accordance with self-directed theory by Knowles (1975). The declaration of the success of the study is associated with the teacher’s admissions and the student’s attitude represented in their marks during the experiment.


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Appendix A

Table 1: Descriptive Statistics for the average of all levels.

Column-IM/With Column-IM/without Column-DE/with Column-DE/without
Mean 9.4 Mean 8.216667 Mean 9.466667 Mean 7.2
Median 9.4 Median 8.2 Median 9.45 Median 7.3
Range 0.2 Range 1.15 Range 0.05 Range 1.5
Minimum 9.3 Minimum 7.65 Minimum 9.45 Minimum 6.4
Maximum 9.5 Maximum 8.8 Maximum 9.5 Maximum 7.9
Sum 28.2 Sum 24.65 Sum 28.4 Sum 21.6
Confidence Level(95.0%) 0.248414 Confidence Level(95.0%) 1.428829 Confidence Level(95.0%) 0.071711 Confidence Level(95.0%) 1.875483

Appendix B

2- Sample to the library channels on YouTube organized by the researcher that explore all of the lessons used in the study.

أثر استخدام اليوتيوب ودوره في تسهيل تدريس النحو في المدارس الثانوية

في مدينة البيشة بالمملكة العربية السعودية

الملخص: هدفت الدراسة إلى تقصى إيجابيات توظيف استخدام أحد برامج التواصل الاجتماعي في تدريس النحو خاصة لطالبات المدارس الثانوية في إحدى مدارس مدينة البيشة في المملكة العربية السعودية. وتهدف الدراسة بشكل أساسي إلى التعرف على الأثر الإيجابي لاستخدام الفيديوهات الخاصة بتدريس النحو على موقع اليوتيوب على أداء الطلاب على المدى القريب والبعيد. كما ركزت على النتائج التي يمكن الحصول عليها في درجات الطالبات عند استبدال الطريقة التقليدية في شرح القواعد الجديدة بدروس مرئية. وتبنت الدراسة الحالية المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، ومن أجل تحقيق أهداف الدراسة استخدمت الباحثة استبانة موجهة إلى معلمي اللغة الإنجليزية بالإضافة إلى دراسة حالة تكونت من عدة مجموعات من طالبات المرحلة الثانوية. وتوصلت الدراسة إلى أن نتائج تطبيق الاختبارات البعدية أكدت على فاعلية استخدام قنوات اليوتيوب حيث أظهرت معدل درجات الطالبات صلاحية وفاعلية استخدام قنوات اليوتيوب حتى مع وجود الفروق الفردية بين الطلاب.

الكلمات المفتاحية: تعليم, تدريس, المرحلة الثانوية, اليوتيوب.



لتحميل البحث كامل المجلة العربية للعلوم ونشر الأبحاث

[1] A messenger program used to share different information.