مجلة العلوم التربوية و النفسية

The conception of Interaction through Skype Social Networks in Learning English as a Second Language

The conception of Interaction through Skype Social Networks in Learning English as a Second Language

Arwa AbdulAziz AL-Dawood

Sattam bin AbdulAziz University – Alkharj – Saudi Arabia

Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the influence of using written interaction through Skype to facilitate learning English Language, It focused on using Skype as a social networking program to act as communication tool for individuals. This study combined the quantitative and qualitative methods to achieve research purposes. Quantitative data was established by using questionnaire. It designed to evaluate the student responses towards the class activity. Qualitative data attempted to analyze the conversations between students through screenshots. Thirty Korean nonnative speakers, both male and female, from Kangwon National University were randomly assigned into five groups, six students for each group. Participants attended two Skype chat sessions per week. It continued for two weeks. Every Skype chat activity spent about twenty minutes. The results of this study illustrated that Learners showed the tendency of using fragmented syntactic structures. They were able to use some of the discourse markers. In addition, a Skype Chat supported participants to recover common grammatical errors. According to SPSS analysis, there were a lot of effective aspects of using Skype for learning English. Some of them were: space of convenience and increasing the motivation between students by using the online technologies.

Keywords: communication tool, Skype, Learning English


  1. 1. Introduction

A wide expansion of broadband internet and wireless internet technology around the globe has led to many opportunities and possibilities for the acquisition of languages and cultural transmission. In addition, rapid and continual interactions for learning English as a Second Language (ESL) has opened different fields in the area of applied linguistics. It is further supported with the Interaction Hypothesis, in which theorist explains how useful interaction in the targeted language aids the learner in meaningful language acquisition (Long, 1983).

Besides this, one of the most common modes of communication while using the internet is that of synchronous computer mediated communication (SCMC) that is referred to instant text messaging. It is of significant interest for language teaching practitioners and applied linguistics as they have presented their different research as how this method benefits the learners. Therefore, this mode is highly recommendable and of immense importance due to its benefits and unique characteristics (Beauvois, 1992; Chun, 1994; Kelm, 1992; Kern, 1995; Payne & Whitney, 2002; Sotillo, 2000; Warschauer, 1997).

This paper considers Skype as a social networking program to act as communication tool for individuals. The participants will do Skype chat in order to learn ESL. Skype offers free online accounts and is user friendly in nature which makes it readily accessible. It performs various tasks and it could be used to connect teachers with other professionals and it cuts down transportation costs. Furthermore, it could be used to give online workshops and aid both native and non-native speakers to interact with each other and gain knowledge of a targeted language. In addition, it helps teachers by using more sophisticated technology in their respective classrooms and makes lectures more interactive (Eaton, 2010).

1.1 Statement of the Problem

                In our society, there are a lot of studies conducted to provide an overview of language acquisition through social networks without specifying one of them. They are unable to provide sufficient material as some teaching methods which could be adopted for effective learning. The main aim of this study is to use Skype Chat as a social networking tool to facilitate the learning of English as a second language .So, this study will  investigate how learners perceive this social networking tool for learning purposes.

Research Questions

The central aim of this research is to find the different types of negotiation skills used by participants while they perform exercises with aid of Skype chat for ESL acquisition. Also, the chat protocol will help to improve the grammar skills of participants in non-native language. The questions are:

  • What kind of negotiation skills will student participants utilize during the course of an exercise using Skype chat to learn ESL?
  • How will the use of Skype Chat protocol when teaching a second language help student participants improve common grammatical errors such as use of auxiliary verbs and main verbs?
  • What are the effective aspects of using Skype for learning English as a second language?
  1. Research Methods

2.1 Sample of the study

I have recruited thirty Korean nonnative speakers to be engaged in a Skype Chat activity in the year of 2016. They were first English level students. The participants were paired at random to conduct the class activity. There were six nonnative speakers in each group. There were five groups in total. After the class activity, every participant filled out the questionnaire. Moreover, one native teacher was assigned to conduct the class activity.

2.2 Instruments

This study has employed a mixed approach. Therefore, the materials used to collect data have qualitative and quantitative aspects. Both aspects will be discussed and explained in detail in this section.

2.2.1 Questionnaire

The Questionnaire that has open and close questions is filled out by every student participant after they have completed the Skype chat activity. The Questionnaire is designed to evaluate the student responses towards the class activity. It contains both direct and indirect questions. It asked students whether the Skype activity helped them to improve their learning of English as a second language. Reliability and validity:

Reliability shows the degree to which an evaluation takes consistent results each time it is analyzed. The reliability of the questionnaire was established by using Cronbach’s alpha as a measure of consistency coefficient. The reliability Cronbach’s alpha of all the questionnaire’s dimensions was 0,882. So, it was adequately designed for the participants and reliable overall.

Validity reflects the degree to which test procedures measure what they are designed to measure. To ensure the validity of the questionnaire, it was approved by 9 professors. They were asked to validate the clarity of the statements and see whether they were related to the objectives of the study. There were some changes made according to the views of the professors. However, all agreed that the questionnaire was valid and well-planned for measuring what it was designed for.

2.2.2 Analysis of Conversation from Skype

The researcher used other method which was the analysis of each conversation that were conducted between students in the experiment of Skype. The Skype forms the central aim of this research and seeks to find different types of negotiation skills used by participants such as using fragmented syntactic structure and choosing the appropriate words. It is mainly said that online written interactions can improve the process of negotiation in a way that increases the proficiency of English usage in written activities. Also, the analysis concentrated on the errors committed by students. As defined earlier, student participants were divided into five groups and each group was assigned a different topic to discuss. Some of these topics are friend, transportation and travelling. In the first week of the Skype chat activity participants performed at an average level as some of the participants discussed irrelevant things. It had been observed through facial and body language that some of the students were confused and were not able to express their views in English. Due to major restrictions in this study, participants were only allowed to communicate through English. Therefore, students used the emotional figures that are shown on the chat room of this Skype to show their level of interest and excitement, and in general, to communicate their messages.

  1. Results and Discussion

3.1- Question One

This part answers the following question: What kind of negotiation skills will student participants utilize during the course of an exercise using Skype chat to learn ESL?

From one of the screenshots that have been analyzed, it is clear that several learners are involved in the conversation. We can see that learners show the tendency of using fragmented syntactic structures. Lets’ take a structure as an example to understand this issue. The English teacher asked, ‘Who likes to travel?’ Jihee Park replied, “Me.” Jihee park also said, ‘Oktoberfest! I want to go there. Sausage and bear.’ Here, the student has not used a full sentence and only mentioned the name of two food items.  At that point, the student faced a problem of expressing the wish with a well formed syntactic structure. Only at this point of the interaction did teacher take part in the conversation to create a link in the conversation by using a correctly formed syntactic structure, ‘You like to drink’ as a hint for letting the learners know the correct syntactic structure. Also, we can notice that the factor of turn-taking is observed in another screenshot. In that stage, there is an undeniable coherence between the group members in which they are helping each other in word choosing. Lapadat (2002) sees that the use of Chat applications in all its forms might help in the process of choosing proper words and motivate the students to choose the words that most likely express their intellectual tendencies.

3.2- Question two:

The second question of the study was as follows:

                How will the use of Skype Chat protocol when teaching a second language help student participants improve common grammatical errors such as use of auxiliary verbs and main verbs?

The analysis of the question was as follows:

Normally, learners tend to be confused with the correct usage of tense and auxiliary verbs specifically when writing. Spelling mistakes are also found in their conversation which is expected that they are 2ndlanguagelearners, and it is not their mother tongue. However, the probability of hesitation which learners generally face in chat communication is less than in face to face communication. This is because the fact the students have time to go over their answers and work on selecting the most suitable word that can express precisely what they want to write. It is clear when a nonnative speaker is communicating in English, the learner faces interference from their own native language. On that notion, Prensky (2005) sees teaching non-natives the syntax of a language can be done easier through digital means. He stated the use of digital methods in giving instructions on a language does not mean to be part from the real learning methods. It does not delete the existence of the classroom, but it gives students the ability to monitor their language and correct mistakes themselves without the aid of a teacher or an instructor.

3.3 –  Question Three

3.3.1 Questionnaire      

1st Session          

As for the Secondary Research Question, it takes into account the statistical results that were retrieved from the questionnaire distribution and the numerical data that were analyzed through SPSS. The question is:

                What are the effective aspects of using Skype for learning English as a second language?

The groups for this experiment were chosen on a purely random basis. Bearing in mind that it was the first session, the students were feeling uncomfortable as they had no clue about the procedures of the experiment that had to be done. Another factor to consider before performing the analysis is that some students might seem more familiar with a topic and the others less familiar which can be attributed to previous exposure to the subject.

Table 1: Mean averages, standard deviations and level of impact of social media specifically Skype chat on students’ learning and generally mastering English language as a second language in descending order:

Paragraph number scale Paragraph Mean




Class Level of impact
6 This activity was convenient in nature 4.23 0.73 1 High
10 This activity will boost my morale and confidence 4.13 0.63 2 High
14 Will this activity help to reduce most common grammatical errors 4.10 0.71 3 High
7 The instructions given by the teacher was clear and adequate 4.07 0.74 4 High
9 I did not feel shy and embarrassed due to poor English 3.97 0.96 5 High
5 This exercise leads to skills development in group activity 3.92 0.70 6 High
12 After the Skype activity I have a better understanding to base my views in practical life 3.63 0.76 7 Medium
13 Now I am reconsidering the viewpoint towards the topic discussed 3.60 0.86 8 Medium
1 This activity helped me to improve my English as second language 3.60 0.56 9 Medium
8 I had equal opportunity like all other members to share my thoughts and views on the assigned topic 3.60 0.86 10 Medium
11 I learned about new approach to present my view point 3.40 0.86 11 Medium
3 Topic discussed helped me acquired new knowledge and skills 3.37 0.81 12 Medium
4 Topic assigned was relevant and interesting 3.33 0.96 13 Medium
2 Time given for the exercise was adequate 2.13 0.73 14 Low
Total score 3.60 0.35 Medium

After we analysed the data, we found that the level of impact of social media specifically Skype chat on students learning and generally mastering English language as a second language was medium in the first session, as the total mean average reached 3.60, with a standard deviation of 0.35 for all the paragraphs. The mean average varies between 2.13 – 4.23. In the first rank came paragraph 6 which states “This activity was convenient in nature” with an average of 4.23, and standard deviation of 0.73,and in the high level. In the second rank came paragraph 10 which states “This activity will boost my morale and confidence” with an average of 4.13.. AsCaruso & Kvavik, (2005) observe, there is a space of convenience brought by online teaching technologies that have been sweeping the educational setting in a way that presents a satisfactory level of freedom and space for the students to participate, act and take a part in a session without being seen.

2nd  session

Table 2: Mean averages, standard deviations and level of impact of social media specifically Skype chat on students learning and generally mastering English language as a second language in descending order

Paragraph number scale Paragraph Mean




Class Level of impact
6 This activity was convenient in nature 4.23 0.73 1 High
10 This activity will boost  my morale and confidence 4.13 0.63 2 High
14 Will this activity help to reduce most common grammatical errors 4.10 0.71 3 High
7 The instructions given by the teacher was clear and adequate 4.07 0.74 4 High
9 I did not feel shy and embarrassed due to poor English 3.97 0.96 5 High
1 This activity helped me to improve my English as second language 3.97 0.56 6 High
5 This exercise leads to skills development in group activity 3.92 0.70 7 High
12 After the Skype activity I have a better understanding to base my views in practical life 3.63 0.76 8 Medium
13 Now I am reconsidering the viewpoint towards the topic discussed 3.60 0.86 9 Medium
8 I had equal opportunity like all other members to share my thoughts and views on the assigned topic 3.60 0.86 10 Medium
11 I learned about new approach to present my view point 3.40 0.86 11 Medium
3 Topic discussed helped me acquired new knowledge and skills 3.37 0.81 12 Medium
4 Topic assigned was relevant and interesting 3.33 0.96 13 Medium
2 Time given for the exercise was adequate 2.13 0.73 14 Low
Total score 3.63 0.34 Medium

In the second session, the level of impact of social media specifically Skype chat on students learning and generally mastering English language as a second language was medium, as the total mean average reached 3.63, with a standard deviation of 0.34 for all the paragraphs. The mean average varies between 2.13 – 4.23.

3rd Session

Table 3: Mean averages, standard deviations and level of impact of social media specifically Skype chat on students learning and generally mastering English language as a second language in descending order

Paragraph number scale Paragraph Mean




Class Level of impact
14 Will this activity help to reduce most common grammatical errors 4.33 0.71 1 High
5 This exercise leads to skills development in group activity 4.30 0.60 2 High
6 This activity was convenient in nature 4.30 0.60 3 High
7 The instructions given by the teacher was clear and adequate 4.20 0.76 4 High
3 Topic discussed helped me acquired new knowledge and skills 4.20 0.71 5 High
1 This activity helped me to improve my English as second language 4.20 0.61 6 High
10 This activity will boost  my morale and confidence 4.10 0.71 7 High
9 I did not feel shy and embarrassed due to poor English 3.93 0.83 8 High
12 After the Skype activity I have a better understanding to base my views in practical life 3.80 0.81 9 High
11 I learned about new approach to present my view point 3.77 0.82 10 High
13 Now I am reconsidering the viewpoint towards the topic discussed 3.70 0.99 11 High
4 Topic assigned was relevant and interesting 3.53 0.73 12 Medium
8 I had equal opportunity like all other members to share my thoughts and views on the assigned topic 3.27 0.98 13 Medium

In the third session, we can find that the level of impact of social media specifically Skype chat on students learning and generally mastering English language as a second language was high, as the total mean average reached 3.88, with a standard deviation of 0.28 for all the paragraphs, where the mean average varies between 2.70 – 4.33. In the first rank came paragraph 14 which states “Will this activity help to reduce most common grammatical errors” with an average of 4.33, and standard deviation of 0.71 and in the high level. In the fourteenth and last rank came paragraph 2 which states “Time given for the exercise was adequate” with an average of 2.70, and standard deviation of 0.60 and in the medium level. As for the adequacy of time that was given to students to complete the session, Kuo and others (2003) pointed out the importance of time in the field of electronic teaching. Since it is all computerized, the teacher has the ability to determine the best time given that suits their students.


4th Session

Table 4: Mean averages, standard deviations and level of impact of social media specifically Skype chat on students learning and generally mastering English language as a second language in descending order

Paragraph number scale Paragraph Mean




Class Level of impact
10 This activity will boost  my morale and confidence 4.60 0.50 1 High
6 This activity was convenient in nature 4.57 0.57 2 High
14 Will this activity help to reduce most common grammatical errors 4.43 0.63 3 High
5 This exercise leads to skills development in group activity 4.40 0.56 4 High
7 The instructions given by the teacher was clear and adequate 4.37 0.56 5 High
9 I did not feel shy and embarrassed due to poor English 4.13 0.86 6 High
12 After the Skype activity I have a better understanding to base my views in practical life 4.10 0.66 7 High
1 This activity helped me to improve my English as second language 4.03 0.72 8 High
8 I had equal opportunity like all other members to share my thoughts and views on the assigned topic 3.97 0.76 9 High
11 I learned about new approach to present my view point 3.97 0.76 10 High
3 Topic discussed helped me acquired new knowledge and skills 3.73 0.78 11 High
4 Topic assigned was relevant and interesting 3.70 0.92 12 High
13 Now I am reconsidering the viewpoint towards the topic discussed 3.43 0.94 13 Medium
2 Time given for the exercise was adequate 2.13 0.68 14 Medium
Total score 3.97 0.28 High

We can find in the fourth session that the level of impact of social media specifically Skype chat on students learning and generally mastering English language as a second language was high, as the total mean average reached 3.97, with a standard deviation of 0.28 for all the paragraphs. The mean average varies between 2.13 – 4.60. In the first rank came paragraph 10 which states “This activity will boost my morale and confidence” with an average of 4.60, and standard deviation of 0.50 and in the high level. As for the highest impact paragraph, it cannot be argued that working, studying, chatting or even meeting new people online is much easier than doing those activities in real life “face-to-face,”. It helps in elevating the level of confidence and self-esteem among users. Wu (2011) stated the benefits of using an online interaction to gain more confidence and motivation specifically in the teaching and learning fields.

Table 5: Frequencies and percentages of the students’ answers of the first question

Activities fields 1st Session 2nd Session 3rd Session 4th Session
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Conversation instantly 2 6.7% 2 6.7% 1 3.3% 2 6.7%
Environment 1 3.3 % 1 3.3% 1 3.3% 1 3.3%
Less time consuming 4 13.3% 4 13.3% 4 3.3% 4 13.3%
Easy in nature 2 6.7% 2 6.7% 4 13.3% 2 6.7%
Easy 2 6.7% 2 6.7% 0 0.0% 2 6.7%
Instant conversation 2 6.7% 2 6.7% 2 6.7% 2 6.7%
Increase social network 2 6.7% 2 6.7% 2 6.7% 2 6.7%
Improvement in English 6 20.0% 6 2.0% 8 26.7% 6 20.0%
More ideas 1 3.3% 1 3.3% 1 3.3% 1 3.3%
Instant views 1 3.3% 1 3.3% 1 3.3% 1 3.3%
More friends 1 3.3% 1 3.3% 1 3.3% 1 3.3%
Better vocabulary 1 3.3% 1 3.3% 1 3.3% 1 3.3%
Enhanced knowledge 1 3.3% 1 3.3% 0 0.0% 1 .3.3%
Social networking 1 3.3% 1 3.3% 1 3.3% 1 3.3%
Good ideas 1 3.3% 1 3.3% 1 3.3% 1 3.3%
Ideas 1 3.3% 1 3.3% 1 3.3% 1 3.3%
New friends 1 3.3% 1 3.3% 1 3.3% 1 3.3%

We can see the results of the students’ answers on the open ended questions of the questionnaire. The first question took into perspective the most appealing things that were found in applying the activity, the question clearly stated; “What specific things do you like most about this activity?. We can find that students found from the first session that this activity will help them improve their English language with a frequency of 6 and a percentage of 20.0% from the total responses. Following the most liked thing in the activity is the fact that the activity is less time consuming with a frequency of 4 and a percentage of 13.3% which is expected considering the inclusion of internet technology in education seems to consume less time in the overall educational process compared to conventional methods. Wahlstedt (2005) agrees on that idea stating the main two aims of involving technology in education is the fact that it presents a better educational environment for the students and at the same time is less consuming of time and efforts. However, in the 2nd session, the same results appear again of 20% for the improvement of English and 13.3% as less time consuming. The results go higher in the 3rd session with 26.7% for the improvement of English and 13.3% less time consuming. In the 4th session the result changed to 20.0% improvement of English and 13.3% for the less time consuming.

Table 6: Frequencies and percentages of the students’ responses to the second question

Activities fields 1st session 2nd session 3rd session 4th session
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Using skype 2 6.7% 2 6.7% 2 6.7% 2 6.7%
Topic 3 10.0% 3 10.0% 2 6.7% 3 10.0%
Environment 1 3.3% 1 3.3% 1 3.3% 1 3.3%
Random groups 3 10.0% 3 10.0% 4 13.3% 3 10.0%
Restricted time 10 33.3% 10 33.3% 11 36.7% 10 33.3%
Restriction of language 1 3.3% 1 3.3% 1 3.3% 1 3.3%
No chance 1 3.3% 1 3.3% 1 3.3% 1 3.3%
Only written conversation 1 3.3% 1 3.3% 1 3.3% 1 3.3%
Language barrier 2 6.7% 2 6.7% 2 3.3% 2 6.7%
No 3 10.0% 3 10.0% 2 6.7% 3 10.0%
Irrelevant discussion 2 6.7% 2 6.7% 2 6.7% 2 6.7%
No equal chance to participate 1 3.3% 1 3.3% 1 3.3% 1 3.3%

The second question in the open ended questions of the questionnaire came as a contrast to the first one where the students were asked; “What specific things do you like least about this activity?. One can see that the highest percentage and frequency refers to the most answered choice of questions. In that sense, we can see that 33.3% with a frequency of 10 students answered the activity was time restricted, meaning they were not given the proper time to complete it. In the 2nd session the results came again with the highest percentage for the Time restriction and were followed by the topics and random grouping while in the 3rd session the percentage of the time restriction came higher 36.7% and down to 33.3% in the 4th session. Lynch & Lynch (2003) stated that involving technology in education should not be restricted to time and space, and hence students should have all the time they wanted to complete a certain activity online. However, from a logical perspective, online activities should be bound to certain timing in order to have the ability to gather the students online at the same time.


  1. Conclusion

By using Skype as asocial networking tool, which acts as actual learning tool and assists in obtaining skills related to a specific language, this study showed that using Skype chat protocol gives students the chance to interact with others and allows students to communicate either face to face or through writing. It is also shown that Skype tool helped in using the language itself, through repeated trial and error, identifying where they went mistaken and how to make corrections. The methodological approach that the researcher used is experimental in its nature. A topic was raised for the students to talk about over Skype under the supervision of the teacher. Also, a questionnaire for the students was distributed for the sake of data collection.

The results of this study contribute in answering the research questions raised in chapter one.

 Firstly, the screenshots from Skype characterize the basic forms and setups which suggest the second language acquisition process of nonnative speakers. After analyzing these discussions, learners show the tendency of using fragmented syntactic structures. When a learner faces problems in building a syntactic structure to distinct his or her feelings, the learner indicates the tendency to express his or her thought with one or two words. The syntactic structures in the conversations reveal the progression in acquisition of the second language. The results of this study demonstrate that there are a number of skills utilized by students throughout the sessions.

Secondly, after evaluating the conversations from the screenshots, learners tend to be confounded with the accurate usage of tense and auxiliary verbs exactly when writing. Also, spelling mistakes are found in their conversation which is predictable looking as they are 2nd language learners. The outcome of this study establishes that there is a Skype Chat protocol helps student participants to improve common grammatical errors. Throughout the first session, learners had a lot of errors and misuses of words and terms. But during the sequences of sessions there was a level of communication between the students and the teacher from one side and between the students themselves on the other side. The improvements of grammatical errors by Skype Chat protocol request a lot of series sessions.

Thirdly, according to SPSS analysis we can show these points.  Effective aspects of using Skype for learning English as a second language include:

  • Give a student a space of convenience carried by online teaching technologies that have been sweeping the educational setting in a way that presents a favourable level of freedom and space for the students to participate and takes a part in a session without being seen.
  • The usage of chatting and online mediums aids in increasing the motivation between students to use their language and improve the aspects of increasing their vocabulary storage, since they are exposed to more than one source of communication based on multi member chatting.
  • The benefits of using an online interaction to gain more confidence specifically in the teaching and learning fields.

4.1 Recommendations for Future Study:

It must be distinguished that this study focuses on using Skype Chat Protocol as a social networking tool to facilitate the learning of English as a second language. To completely comprehend the understanding of using Skype Chat Protocol in Korea, two suggestions can aid as instruction for further research. The first one is that this study needs the written data alone. It might be better if the author had collected enough materials in spoken data for the analysis. Future research may extend the data coverage from many additional sources of both spoken and written data. The second one is that the current study is using Skype chat protocol as a facilitated tool to learn English as a second language. Consequently, future study may use other social programs such as Facebook as a tool of learning the language. Finally, this study may improve teaching and learning language and be helpful for English learners



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هدفت الدراسة إلى بيان أثر التفاعل المكتوب من خلال السكايب لتسهيل تعلم اللغة الانجليزية، بالتركيز على استخدام برنامج التواصل الاجتماعي, السكايب, كوسيلة تواصل للأفراد؛ وتم الجمع بين الأسلوبين؛ الكمي والنوعي لتحقيق الأهداف المنشودة. وتم تأسيس البيانات الكمية باستخدام الاستبانات والتي صممت لقياس استجابات الطلاب نحو هذا النشاط. أما البيانات النوعية فقد تم استخدامها لتحليل المحادثات  بين الطلاب .كما تم تعيين ثلاثين طالباً كورياً- غير ناطقين باللغة الإنجليزية- ذكوراً وإناثاً, من جامعة كانجوان وتم تقسيمهم الى خمس مجموعات كل مجموعة تحتوي على ستة طلاب. وقد حضر الطلاب حصتين كل أسبوع لمدة عشرين دقيقة على مدار أسبوعين.

وأشارت نتائج الدراسة؛ إلى أنه توجد العديد من المهارات استخدمت بواسطة الطلاب. أظهر المتعلمون استخدامهم الجيد للأساليب النحوية وقدرتهم على استخدام أدوات الخطاب . بالإضافة إلى أن السكايب قام بدعم الطلاب لمعالجة الأخطاء النحوية الشائعة. وفقا للتحليل الإحصائي, وجد العديد من الجوانب الفعالة لاستخدام السكايب في تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية؛ بعضاً منها تكمن في الراحة والتحفيز من خلال استخدام هذه التقنية.

الكلمات المفتاحية: أداة تواصل, السكايب, تعلم اللغة الانجليزية.


لتحميل البحث كامل المجلة العربية للعلوم ونشر الأبحاث